Maria Montessori’nin Yazdığı Kitaplar

Maria Montessori’nin Yazdığı Kitaplar


Maria Montessori 50 senelik çalışmaları boyunca, eğitim ve bilime büyük katkısı olan pek çok kitap yazmıştır:

fghyt-The Montessori Method (1909),

-Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook (1914),

-The Advanced Montessori Method (1916),

-Peace in Education (1932),

-Child in the Family (1936),

-Secret of the Child (1936),

-Education for a New World (1946),

-Discovery of the Child (1948),

-To Educate the Human Potential (1948),

-What You Should Know About Your Child (1948),

the-absorbent-mind-Absorbent Mind (1949),

-Formation of Man (1950),

-Spontaneus Activity in Education,

-The Montessori Elemantry Material,

-Reconstruction in Education,

-Childhood Education,

-From Childhood to Adolescence.

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